So an old friend of mine E-Mailed me today asking how I was. I said I was cool, working a 9-6 job at an LA County department. You know nothing fancy due to circumstances that I'll just leave out. So this friend of mine is a Physicians Assistant.
So what is a Physicians Assistant (PA)? Well they are non-physicians clinicians who are licensed to practice medicine under the supervision of a physician. Ideally, they are used in the role of "extenders" and might, for example, round of a surgeons patients in the hospital leaving him free to spend more time doing cases.
Cutting to my story, I have told this friend about my plans on being a physician. He was glad to hear that I'm finally not "rolling along" with what life gives me. We talk more about where I want to be at and BAM he tells me that I should just be a PA instead of going through hell called medical school.
At this point, I'm scratching my head and thinking:
"Okay, that's cool. But why would I just want to be an assistant to somebody when I can be more than just that? Why would I gimp myself when I know I can handle it."
Obviously, he knows more than I do and what I was thinking is very ignorant..
So he goes on about being a PA. He told me that a PA working in a lucrative specialty can, in fact make more money than physicians working in primary care. It's not only that, it's only another 2 and half years of extra schooling considering they throw you into practical clinical skills at the start of your first year. Comparing this to medical school where the first 2 years is basically a lot of book burning, taking notes and all that boring crap you went through in pre-school to the last year of your college life.
Then he continues to tell me that after those 2 years and half of PA training, you'll be able to work at a hospital and practice medicine.
If you know me well enough, I would try and argue that being a PA is really not for me and I would really would like to go with my original plan. I did, and you know what he told me?
"You are making the biggest mistake of your life. You should listen to me, I got my shit together way earlier than you did. You're old now, hell you're older than me by 1 year. If you go through with your plan, at what age will you be finished?
40? 45? Considering where you are now, 2-4 years of undergraduate degree. Another 4 years in medical school, not to mention another 3-10 years of internship and residency training. You're turning 28 this year. What about having a family? What about the money you'll be spending? You know think about it, if you become a PA that's just another 4-6 and half years and you can be making 6 figures like me. 4-6 years from now, where are you going to be? You'll be in debt, a 6 figure debt because I know for a fact you don't have that kind of money anymore."
Okay, I'll be honest, I never really answered that E-Mail. To be honest, he has a point but that bitch made it sound like it was a bad idea. I've heard from my nurse friends that these PA's are cocky as hell but aren't really much. They're pretty much the Attending's bitch. They're given the easy cases of viral gastroenteritis (the runs), upper respiratory infections (the coughs), physicals etc. while the Attendings go and try to cure the more complicated diseases. Now you tell me, do you want to be the bitch? I know for a fact I don't. I'm tired of working under somebody. I mean no offense to all the other PA's but it's really not my thing. I only call you guys the Attendings bitch is because how MY FRIEND is telling me that my plan isn't the right plan FOR MYSELF.
I mean I wont lie, I am going into this profession because of the money earned. I mean those who say that "it's not about the money" pretty much tripped and fell in a puddle of bullshit. Although I can also honestly say that this is my calling. I like to help people, I get a great satisfaction helping people because that's just how I am. I shoulder my own burden and I shoulder everybody else's. I'm an analytical person who happens to also pay a great attention to detail. I notice anything and everything. I know that I can, in fact be greater than what people see me and gimping myself to become a PA is just a NO.
Oh by the way, I believe that if it doesn't feel like work then I have not done anything. Meaning I rather go through a rigorous 10-15 years of training than 2 and half years of crammed classes.
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